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What is a Snagging List?

Mar 20, 2023


Thank you for clicking on this instalment of our informative and weekly property surveying blog post. In this week’s post, we are going to take a focused look at pre-purchase surveys, and/or, post construction work inspections,

A snagging list is the exercise that a building surveyor will undertake either when a property purchaser is buying a new build.

Alternatively, if a home owner has had construction works undertaken to their property.

The snagging list will see an experienced building surveyor methodically and carefully go through the property comprehensively setting out all of the issues or defects that they note.

The snagging list itself will be meticulous and focus on any shortfall in the condition or finish of the property.

The short falls, being deemed defective workmanship or poor workmanship by the contractor who undertook them.

Snagging lists are especially handy, as they ensure that when you take possession of the property, you are being handed back a property that is to its highest standard and workmanship possible.

Why do I need a Snagging List?

First and foremost, snagging lists are common. Many contractors will aim to talk you out of having one prepared.

However, this is a protective stance to take, and is simply ensuring that they are not having to pick up and make good issues or defects that your average ley person would overlook.

Ultimately, you will be purchasing into a property that should be classified as a new build, and therefore free of imperfection.

Alternatively, you will be taking back possession and keys to your property. Or contractors will be leaving site for the works that they have done at your property.

With both of these scenarios, you will want to ensure that the property you are taking possession of, is free from problem.

What type of issues does a Snagging List report on?

Pretty much everything. A snagging list is going to go through all elements of the property, and/or works that have been undertaken.

It is going to look at all the finishes, surface coverings and installations.

The aim here being that the inspecting surveyor not only is able to inform you of the problems, but they are then also able to put forward necessary advice to ensure that they are made good by the contractor.

What are typical Snagging issues?

Typical snagging issues are conventionally very easy to solve and rectify.

They can be as simple as scuffs to painted walls. Scratches to timber floors. Or doors that are jamming or binding.

However, equally they can be to the more severe or problematic end of the spectrum. Issues such as cracked tiles. Defective hinges on doors or fitted cabinets. Chips or scratches to kitchen worktops and surfaces.

Whatever the case may be, they are all of the type that could easily be overlooked or missed when a homeowner inspects the property.

What can I expect from my Snagging List?

The snagging list itself is going to go through the property element by element. With each issue that is found, the surveyor is going to set out where it is, what that issue is and ultimately what is needed to rectify and make good.

At the end of the snagging list you are going to have a comprehensive report that should be easy to follow and hand back to the contractor.

The direction you give your contractor at that stage should be that they then undertake the necessary remedial works to remedy the issues and points that the inspecting surveyor raised.

In many cases, it is not uncommon for contractors to take issue with surveyor findings. They may even refuse to remedy the points.

Here at Stokemont, we always offer a channel of communication to contractors who have undertaken the work.

The aim here being that if they are not happy with rectifying or making good, or perhaps they don’t believe it is a snag in the first place, they are able to get in touch with us, discuss and ultimately move towards a resolution.

Is a Snagging List really worth it?

It’s a typical question we find clients asking us in the lead up to snagging list constructions.

It really comes down to how keen of an eye you have as a property buyer, or alternatively as a property owner post-construction work.

In many cases, it is not uncommon to find hundreds of snags in the smallest of properties, such as a one bed flat.

Therefore by having a snagging list undertaken, you are ultimately ensuring that in the years to come you are not going to have to remedy and rectify these defects and issues yourself via a decorator, or via the manufacturer or supplier of the defective issue such as bathrooms, kitchens or fitted wardrobes.

If you would like to discuss snagging list reports with our team of experienced and qualified surveyors, please feel free to get in touch with us today, we will be more than happy to assist and advise you.

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