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Schedule of Condition Report FAQs

Jan 15, 2023


Thank you for clicking on our Property Surveying Blog, we are going to be taking a look at some of the typical questions our surveyors are asked in the lead up to being instructed to assist with Schedule of Condition Reports on behalf of clients!

How Long Does a Schedule of Condition Report Take?

Generally speaking, Schedule of Condition Reports will start at 45 minutes, and can go on for as long as five hours. 

It really just depends on the size of the property that is being inspected and scheduled, along with the type of works that the neighbouring property applicable is undertaking. 

If indeed, the Schedule of Condition is for the purposes of a pre-construction record, the more complex the construction works are, the wider the scope and extent of the inspection.

Will the Surveyor Provide Photographs?

Yes, the surveyor undertaking the Schedule of Condition will provide photographs, setting out all of the findings that form part of the Schedule of Condition Report. 

It is important to note that the Schedule of Condition photographs will not be shared without the consent of the occupant or property owner to whom the consent of the occupier or the property owner whose property is being inspected and scheduled. 

The surveyor completing the Schedule of Condition Report will hold the photographs on record for a minimum period of six years, as this is the requirement of the RICS.

Here at Stokemont, if indeed the occupants or property owner is in agreement with the photographs forming part of the Schedule of Condition being shared, these will commonly be shared via an online secure server link, where all of the applicable photographs can be easily accessed, downloaded, zoomed in and out of, and viewed.

How Detailed is the Schedule of Condition Report?

The Schedule of Condition Report will involve an experienced building surveyor visiting the property and undertaking a comprehensive and in-depth record. 

That record will naturally look at all elements within the property such as ceilings, walls, floors, doors and windows.

 Equally, externally the Schedule of Condition Report is going to look at all facades and parts of the property that require recording as part of the Schedule of Condition instruction.

The report itself is likely to start around the four-page mark, and can go up to hundreds of pages, depending on the extent of the defects and issues that are located within the property, while also taking into account the scope and extent of the Schedule of Condition’s coverage.

Why Should I Select Stokemont to Complete a Schedule of Condition Report?

Here at Stokemont, we are building surveyors at our core.  We undertake hundreds of Schedule of Condition Reports each and every month. 

We are also very proud to undertake Schedule of Condition Reports for various different property companies within the industry including surveyors, architects, engineers, property agents and solicitors. 

This is done via SOC Direct

This means that on a yearly basis, we can inspect anywhere between 3,000-8,000 properties, meaning that we are well-placed and importantly trusted by our peers to complete comprehensive and robust Schedule of Condition Reports.

Will the Surveyor Visit after the Schedule of Condition Report?

Yes, if requested and agreed at instruction, the surveyor can visit to check off the Schedule of Condition Report. 

Checking off the Schedule of Condition Report will see the surveyor re-trace the initial Schedule of Condition Report footsteps, following the same methodical approach to check if there have been any issues caused, or change of Schedule of Condition to that that was noted in advance of the instruction.

How Much does a Schedule of Condition Cost?

Schedule of Condition Reports will cost anywhere from £300 plus VAT. 

The Schedule of Condition Report itself will account for both the surveyor’s photographs and report.

Do you Offer Photographic-only Schedule of Condition Reports?

No, as a firm it is a conscious decision that we do not offer Photographic-only Schedule of Condition Reports. 

Ultimately, we want to ensure that we can do the most robust service we can, and we feel that providing a comprehensive written record is a legally-sound approach to Schedule of Condition instructions. 

For that reason, we do not undertake Photographic-only Schedule of Condition Reports as part of our service offerings.

Why Would I Need a Schedule of Condition Report?

Schedule of Condition Reports are the key go-to document when construction works are taking place to a neighbouring property. 

The key aim of the Schedule of Condition Report is to set out the neighbouring owner’s property condition pre-works. 

This will make it incredibly easy and straightforward to establish and confirm if there has been any change to that record during the course of the works or post-works. 

It is then for the surveyor who undertook the Schedule to make a researched and informed decision as to whether the damage that has been alleged is different to that of the condition set out within the pre-works Schedule of Condition Report, and importantly whether there is a link between the construction works that took place and the damage that has been recorded. 

If indeed the link is strong and the surveyor’s opinion is that they are related, at that stage it will make it incredibly straightforward for the adjoining owner to then pursue the neighbouring for the damage and ultimately the making good of it.

If you have any further questions or a specific question, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team of Building Surveyors today. We will be more than happy to assist and advise.

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