Free Party
Wall Advice

Construction works of any type can be a stressful and confusing time. 

Whether you are the building owner undertaking the works, or the adjoining owner who neighbours them, getting clear and concise information can often be difficult.

The Party Wall etc Act 1996 is also one of the most commonly misunderstood pre work procedures that needs to be followed in advance of the construction works commencing. 

Here at Stokemont, we are proud to offer 60 minutes no obligation Party Wall Surveying advice with one of our experienced and qualified Party Wall Surveyors.


Simply call our offices on 020 8016 5700 and you’ll be able to speak with one of our experienced and qualified Party Wall Surveyors. They’ll be happy to answer property, or work specific Party Wall Questions. Or any other questions you may have.

Arrange a Meeting

Why not pop into our Marylebone office and discuss your Party Wall Surveying questions with one of the team. We’ll need notice in advance of this so we can ensure a Party Wall Surveyor is office based.

Email Us

You can also email in any drawings or photographs you’d like our Party Wall Surveying team to review and then follow up with a phone call to discuss the matter in greater detail.

Here are some Party Wall Surveying projects we've done in the past:

Rutland Mews South, Knightsbridge, SW7

The Stokemont team were very pleased to be able assist with the completion of a Party Wall Surveying Schedule of Condition Report for a stunning mews house located on Rutland Mews South, Knightsbridge, SW7. The neighbouring works included a single storey basement conversion and extension on Rutland Street.

 Timeline: 27 days

High Street Kensington, London, W8

The Stokemont team were very pleased to be able assist with the completion of a Party Wall Award for this mid level flat located on High Street Kensington, London. The construction works included the removal of internal structural walls, the introduction of new steel support and the replacement of floors and ceilings.

 Timeline: 12 days

St Stephen's Terrace, Stockwell, SW8

The Stokemont team were very pleased to be able assist with the service of Party Wall Notices, a Schedule of Condition Report and Agreement of a Party Wall Award on this mid terraced turn of the century home on St Stephen's Terrace, Stockwell. The Party Wall works included the installation of steel work into the Party Wall and relocation of internal walls.

 Timeline: 22 days

Team Qualifications

Our team of Surveyors are not only highly experienced but importantly they are also qualified.

We’re proud to confirm our Surveyors hold membership status and accreditation to some of the world’s leading professional governing bodies including; the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), The Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) and the Pyramus and Thisbe Club (P&T).

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