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Asbestos in Property

Asbestos in Property

In this week’s Surveying Blog post we will be looking at Asbestos, where you can find Asbestos, the different types, the potentially fatal health issues it could cause and the historic use of the material. Asbestos, What is it? Asbestos is natural silicate rock...

Typical Property Defects

Typical Property Defects

In today’s Property Surveying blog post topic we are going to be looking at pre-purchase surveys and building surveying.  In particular we are going to be looking at the top five typical property defects that we find our surveyors see time and time again on both...

Property Soakaway

Property Soakaway

In this week’s surveying blog, we will be discussing Soakaways and the necessity of their installation. Soakaway Explained You may be reading this asking yourself “ what is a soakaway?”; generally speaking, a soakaway is an additional drainage system that isn’t...

Bridged Damp-Proof Courses

Bridged Damp-Proof Courses

In this week’s property surveying blog post, we are going to be discussing building surveying, and in particular, the bridging of a damp-proof course, also referred to as a DPC.  This is one of the most common property defects that our surveyors see here at Stokemont,...

How to Check the Condition of your Roof

How to Check the Condition of your Roof

In this blog we shall be discussing the importance of roof checks and discussing ways in which you can identify faults within your roof. Roofs face exposure to the harshest seasonal elements that Britain has to offer: spring showers, summer heat and the winter chill...

What is a Defect Analysis Report?

What is a Defect Analysis Report?

In this weeks property surveying blog post, we are going to be discussing Defect Analysis Reports, what they are, and when they apply. A Defect Analysis Report is a surveyor’s inspection and report focusing on a specific defect or issue that has been brought to their...

Damp in my Property!

Damp in my Property!

In this week’s Property Surveying blog post topic we are going to be looking at one of the most typical building surveying issues that our surveyors have seen over the years. Damp is one of the most common types of defect that properties suffer from and in our opinion...