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What Is A Party Wall Award?


A Party Wall Award, commonly also referred to as a Party Wall Agreement and is the final document prepared and agreed by the Party Wall Surveyors, or the Agreed Party Wall Surveyor once the Party Wall Procedures are complete.

The sole purpose of the Party Wall Award is to govern the works intended to be carried out by the Building Owner(s), placing a framework to be followed which protect both the building owner and the adjoining owner if damages are to occur to the property.

What is in the Party Wall Award?

A Party Wall Award traditionally incorporates three main sections: a Schedule of Condition Report(s) the Award, drawings of the proposed works, and lastly the Award itself which governs the works.

The Party Wall Award is practically a how-to guide on how the building owner should carry out the purposed works, so as you can imagine, the clauses listed in the Party Wall Award tend to differ from Award to Award depending upon the requirements of the works and sometimes specific request from the adjoining owner(s).

The Award itself contains the clauses of the Award along with the terms for the proposed works which are usually listed alphabetically and numerical order.

You could expect some of the following to be listed within a Party Wall Award:

  • Details of the proposed works
  • Details on when the Schedule of condition was taken place.
  • A time limit from the commencement of works
  • Use of specific materials to protect parts of the structure of the building.
  • Specification of working hours for the works
  • Details of the appointed Surveyor’s fee

How are Party Wall Awards Served?

Party Wall Awards are commonly served via Royal Mail post, upon all owners’ party to the works, after received, the building owner (s) will have obtained the legal right to commence the Party Wall works to their property.

They can also be served via email, however owner permission for service of this nature is required.

How are Party Wall Awards Agreed?

The party award will be agreed by the surveyor(s) dealing with the matter, at the interim stages, the Party Wall Award will be drafted and sent from the Building Owner(s) Surveyor to the Adjoining Owner(s) Surveyor for review and comment if there are two surveyors dealing with the matter, this will then either be sent back and forth for review until agreed or agreed right away.

If you would like professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in contact and we will happily offer 60 minutes free Party Wall Advice to any callers!

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