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Movement Monitoring


In this week’s property surveying blogpost topic we are going to be discussing movement monitoring within the context of Party Wall Surveying matters.

Movement monitoring is required for structural works of a high risk, and it ultimately sees the installation of movement monitoring tags, installed upon the adjoining owner’s property, in advance of the works commencing. Those tags will then be monitored over the course of the works, and usually for a set period post construction work.

The aim of undertaking movement monitoring readings is to ensure that any movement that the adjoining owner’s property suffers as a result of the construction works, is detected at the earliest possible stage. Thereby ensuring that sound and appropriate action can be taken by the building owners team promptly to ultimately ensure that the risks and issues associated with that movement, and the likelihood of damage resulting from it, is as low as it can possibly be.

Movement monitoring will ultimately see a set of results usually in the form of a graph chart, provided to the party wall surveyors on set intervals, usually weekly, or fortnightly, and will ensure that the property itself never moves to a degree whereby there could be a perceived risk, or issue associated with that movement.

Movement monitoring is by no means a low cost solution, as ultimately the movement tags will need to be frequently read, over a very long period of time, as well as for an extended period post works.

In our experience here at Stokemont we have seen movement monitoring costs start around the £3,000 mark, and can easily move well up to circa £20,000, depending on the size of the project, the number of tags that need to be read, and ultimately the duration of the proposed works.

If you would like to discuss your proposed party wall surveying works with our team of qualified and experienced party wall surveyors here at Stokemont, give us a call here today and we will be more than happy to assist you.

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