Will I Get Licence for Alterations Consent?

Will I Get Licence for Alterations Consent?

In today’s Property Surveying blog post topic we are going to be taking a look at licence for alterations procedures.  In particular, we are going to be looking at the common question that we find ourself asked here at Stokemont, which is will I get licence for...

How Long Does a Licence for Alterations Take?

How Long Does a Licence for Alterations Take?

In today’s Property Surveying blog post topic, we are going to be looking at licence for alterations procedures. Particularly, we are going to be looking at how long licence for alterations procedures can take, along with the typical hurdles to getting the licence for...

Fire Curtains

Fire Curtains

In this week's surveying blog, we will be looking at Fire Curtains, the need for them, and the benefits associated with the install. What exactly are Fire Curtains? The Fire Curtain was first seen in a British theatre in 1794 at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, this was...

Waterproofing Floors

Waterproofing Floors

In this week’s blog post we will be looking at Waterproofing floors, specifically, Schluter DITRA Matting, the benefit of the membrane and the overall review of the usability of the product. This is one of the most commonly used solutions when a leaseholder is...

Are Licence for Alterations a legal requirement?

Are Licence for Alterations a legal requirement?

In today’s property surveying blog post topic, we are going to be taking a look at Licence for Alterations procedures. Licence for Alterations procedures are required when a leaseholder plans to undertake works to their property and those works meet the definitions of...

Licence for Alterations Sound Proofing

Licence for Alterations Sound Proofing

Today through our weekly surveying blog, we are going to be looking at licence for alterations procedures. In particular, we are going to be looking at the need and requirement to install sound proofing in the form of sound deadening underlay.  Licence for...

Boundary Line Disputes

Boundary Line Disputes

In today’s Property Surveying blog post topic we are going to be looking at boundary surveying. In particular, we are going to be taking a look at boundary disputes and the role that a boundary surveyor plays in resolving these neighbourly matters. Over the years,...

What Are License to Alter Covenants?

What Are License to Alter Covenants?

It’s time for another instalment of our property surveying blog series and we would like to thank you for taking the time to read it! In this post we will be looking into the License to Alter process and more specifically the different types of covenants which are...

What to expect from a Boundary Report?

What to expect from a Boundary Report?

In today’s property surveying blog post topic we are going to be looking at boundary surveying.  In particular, we are going to be looking at what to expect from the boundary report once you receive it. Boundary disputes are an incredibly common issue, prevalent...